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Ragnar Lothbrok

The First King

Ragnar Lothbrok He was son of king Sigurd of Sweden and brother of king Gottfried of Denmark. The nickname is due to the fact that Ragnar wore leather pants made by his wife Lagertha considering it lucky. From his youth, Ragnar participated in many war campaigns gaining the authority of the great "sea king". He was the classic Viking adventurer. A man of noble origin, he achieved everything by himself - thanks to military skills and personal courage. Having extracted in war campaigns huge wealth, Ragnar has put together his own kingdom, having taken under his control part of the Danish and Swedish lands. However, he remained a robber at heart.


King Sami

King of Finland

King Sami, Legends, could talk to bears (Karhu). King Sami took their enemies by surprise and even when they did not fear the initials attacks caused was enough to unnerve their enemies.
The King Sami culture negate both of these because they know the Vikings and came from even harsher lands, not only that but they are a land power, not a sea power, so if used correctly their troops could easily turn the tide against Vikings forces.
King Sami was able to be invincible on land, but not at sea, but the Sami people were able to trade branchfully, and this gave them the advantage of being invincible in their own land.


Gorm the Old

King of Denmark

Gorm the Old. He was a Danish Viking, member of the "Grand Army" campaign during which he gained considerable fame. The Viking of non-famous origin, who had risen through his intelligence and military talents, was a pragmatic and prudent man. As a result, he became king and gave inherited power. The nickname "Old" was given to him by modern historians to distinguish from the other king of East Anglia, Guthrum.


Cnut The Great

King of the North Sea Empire

Cnut Sweynsson. The greatest Viking king in history, who united almost all Scandinavia. At the zenith of his power, his country was not inferior to the Holy Roman Empire. He also created tingled — a squad of the noblest families, the Foundation of chivalry. Knut Great is usually pointed out as the wise and successful ruler of England, despite bigamy and various cruelties. Most likely this is due to the fact that the information about that time was obtained mainly from written sources of representatives of the Church, with whom Knut always had a good relationship.


Sweyn Forkbeard

King of Denmark

Sweyn Forkbeard He was the first Viking King on the British throne. It is there - because of the special way of cutting the beard and moustache - he got its nickname HARKBEARD. Sven was a typical Viking warrior, he was baptized into Christianity, although the fact of baptism Sven treated purely formally, still worshipping pagan gods, and at crucial moments he brought them generous sacrifices.


Sigurd Snake Eye

King of Denmark

Sigurd Snake in the eye. Sigurd was the fourth son of Aslaug and Ragnar. The nickname he received for a special mark in his eye (ring around the pupil). It was the mark of Ouroboros, the mythological serpent of the Vikings. He was Ragnar's favourite. A brave warrior, he became famous as a diligent landowner and a good family man. Together with his brothers he also took revenge for his father. On his return from England, Sigurd quarrelled with king Ernulf and was killed in an internecine clash.


Earl Haraldson

King of Kattegat

Earl Haraldson was the local Viking king of Kattegat before Ragnar Lothbrok. He became embroiled in a struggle for power and glory with his successor before his death.



King of Uppsala

Visbur or Wisbur. Visburr ruled after his father Vanlande. He married the daughter of Audi Rich and gave her a ransom - three large yards and a gold coin. They had two sons - Gisl and Andur. But Visburr left her and married another woman, and she returned to the father with her sons. Visburr also had a son named Domalde. Domalde's stepmother told him to conjure misfortune. When Visbur's sons were twelve and thirteen years old, they came to Domalde and demanded their mother's ransom. But he refused to pay. Then they said that their mother's Golden coin would be the death for the best man of his kind, and went home. They again turned to the sorceress and asked her to make it so that they could kill their father. And the witch Hulda said that she would do not only that but also that henceforth the murder of a kinsman would be perpetually done in the house of the Ynglings. They agreed. Then they gathered the people, surrounded Visburr's house at night, and burned him in the house.  



King of Sweden

Sveigder or Sveider. Sveider began to rule after his father Fjolner. He vowed to find the Housing of the Gods and Old Odin. He travelled all over the world by himself. That trip lasted five years. He then returned to Sweden and lived at home for a while. He married a woman named Vana. Their son was Vanlande. Sveider again went to search for the Housing of the Gods. In the East of Sweden, there is a large estate called "By the Stone". There's a stone as big as a house. One evening after sunset, as Sveider was walking from the feast to his sleeping chamber, he looked at the stone and saw a dwarf sitting beside it. Sveider and his men were very drunk. They ran to the stone. The dwarf stood in the doorway and called Sveider, offering to come in if he wants to meet Odin. Swagger entered the stone, it immediately closed and Sveider never went out of it.   



King of Sweden

Ingjald. Ingjald was the son of King of Uppsala Enund Road. The capital of Enand’s kingdom was Old Uppsala, where ting all of sveys gathered and made sacrifices. During one of these tings Ingjald played with the sons of another king and lost the game. Ingjald was so angry that he began to cry. Then his tutor Svipdag Blind ordered the heart of the wolf to be roasted and fed to Ingjald. This explains why Ingjald was evil and insidious. With his life actions, Ingjald fully justified the nickname given to him. There were many different kings in Sweden at the time, and although the Uppsala kings were considered supreme, it was a nominal headship. The kings were expanding their territories, clearing forests. However, Ingjald took a different path. He invited seven local kings, including his father-in-law, to his father's feast.  Six of them arrived, and the seventh king remained at home, suspecting something was wrong. At the feast, Ingjald succeeded his father and promised to increase the country by half. And in the evening, when all kings were drunk, Ingjald came out of the chambers, and his men set fire to it. All six kings died, and Ingjald took their lands. 


Harald Hardrada

King of Norway

Harald Sigurdsson, He was statuesque and handsome, with blond hair, a beard and a long moustache. One of his eyebrows was slightly higher than the other. Harald was a powerful and firm ruler, strong in mind; everyone said that there was no ruler in the Northern Countries who equalled him in the reasonableness of decisions and wisdom of advice given. He was a great and courageous warrior. The King had great strength and wielded weapons more skilfully than any other. He won a series of victories over the Danes and Swedes. He took care of the development of trade and crafts, founded Oslo and finally established Christianity in Norway. He was the "last Viking", whose life resembles an adventurous novel. He was a very efficient king, but the passion for the journey was his strongest. 



King of Sweden

Hugleik, the son of Alv, became king of the sveys after the death of his father and uncle, for Yngwie's sons were then children. Hugleik was not warlike but loved to sit peacefully at home. He was very rich but stingy. He had many buffoons, harpers and violinists at court. There were also wizards and various sorcerers. Once Hugelik’s Kingdom was attacked by the army of marine king Haki. Hugelik gathered his Vikings to protect. The two armies met on the field of the Furies. The battle was hot. Hugleik’s army suffered heavy losses. Then two of the Svey Vikings, Svipdag and Geigad, rushed forward, but against each of them came six knights of Haki, and they were taken as prisoners. Haki made his way through the shield wall to Huglik and killed him and his two sons. After that, the sveys fled, Haki conquered the country and became king of the sveys.


Harald Fairhair

First King of Norway

He was more powerful and stronger than everybody, very handsome, deep the mind, wise and courageous. Harald made a vow not to cut or comb his hair until he had taken ownership of all Norway with taxes and power over it. After the victory, Harald declared himself king of United Norway, cut his hair and received the nickname by which he is widely known - Fairhair. The first Scandinavian king, who can be compared with the kings of Western Europe. So, he organized a full-fledged tax system, which, by the way, caused the dissatisfied Norwegians to massively flee to Iceland. 



King of Sweden

Domar, son of Domalde, ruled after him. He ruled the country for a long time, and in his time there were good harvests and peace. Nothing is told of him, except that he died a natural death at Uppsala, and was carried to the Fields of Furies, and burned there on the shore of the river. There are his gravestones.


Erik Red


Erik Thorvaldsson, Erik Red is one of the most famous Vikings. He was known for his wild character, red hair and unstoppable desire to explore new lands. In general, we can say that Eric is the perfect Viking in that form which we represent them — a fierce savage, skilful warrior, inveterate pagan and brave seafarer. And without him, the history of the Vikings would not be so interesting.


Harald Grey Coat

King of Norway

King Harald Greycloak ( Harald Grey Coat) According to one version, Harald II received his nickname Grey Coat for helping his friend Icelandic merchant, who sailed to Hardanger, to sell all his goods – sheepskins, which at first were sold very poorly. In the presence of his people, Harald II bought one skin, the others followed the king's example, and the goods sold very quickly. And the eminent dealer received henceforth a name with which he went down in history.


Haakon The Good

King of Norway

Haakon Haraldsson, Hakon left the memory about himself as a resolute but humane ruler who cared about the law and striving to establish order and peace in his country. Hakon had a sober mind and knew how to abandon his own ambitions for the sake of achieving the desired result. Haakon, of course, was a Christian and wanted to bring a new faith to his country. However, when it turned out that most of his people do not agree with new faith, he immediately returned to the old cult. The nickname "Good" says something, and few rulers have managed to go down in history under that name, and the Haakon got it early enough. Tradition ascribes to him the glory of the creator of the laws and the valiant defender of his native land.



King of Denmark

Horik - the great warrior Vikings, the Кing was proud of their Scandinavian origin and was very faithful to Gods. He was polite to his companions, loved his family, was tough in battle and always at the forefront. However, his dark side was more visible than his light one. Horik prided himself on his power, always demanded from all loyalty and obedience, but never recognized peers, showing great disrespect towards his comrades. Horik was also a fanatic enemy of the Norwegians and especially hated Christians, believing that their religion was incompatible with the Norse gods.  


Queen Lagertha Lothbrok

Queen of Norway

According to legend Lagertha Lothbrok was a Viking shield country and ruler from what is now Norway, and the onetime wife of the famous Viking Ragnar.

Ladgerta, who had a matchless spirit though a delicate frame, covered by her splendid bravery the inclination of the soldiers to waver. For she made a sally about, and flew round to the rear of the enemy, taking them unawares, and thus turned the panic of her friends into the camp of the enemy.

As to the inspiration for Lagertha's character, specifically, one good suggestion that has been put forward is that Lagertha may be connected with the Norse goddess Thorgerd.

Lagertha was the leader!


Queen of Sweden Sigrid the Proud

Queen of Sweden

 Sigrid the Proud was the beautiful but vengeful daughter of Skogul-Tosti, a powerful Swedish nobleman. In Norse sagas, Sigrid was listed among the most powerful Viking women. She was a pagan in blood refusing to get baptised no matter what. She was beautiful but she was so proud of the herself that she got the name "Haughty". Even though Sigrid was brought up inside a Christianity-dominated country, she decided to follow the ancient path - pagan. Sigrid worshiped Norse gods and believed in their high power. Instead of sitting there and waiting for the Judgment Day, Sigrid lived her life to the fullest by following the ancient path.


Harald Bluetooth

King of Denmark

With absolute authority in Denmark Harald Bluetooth could also turn their attention beyond its borders. He came several times to help Richard I of Normandy (in the years 945 and 963). He also took Harald Fairhair son Harald Gråfell under his protection in his battle for the Norwegian throne, and failed him again later as part of the tactical game with different players to play off against each other. By setting up a trap for Harald Gråfell in 970 that got him killed, Harald Bluetooth focused instead on the earl, who had helped to defend Daneveldet against the Germans. It turned out that Earl Hakon was a much cunning ruler than the Danish king had expected, and the Earl shook off his ties to Denmark as soon as he had come to power .Harald was a king who established Christianity in Denmark.


King Erik

King of Denmark

Erik, also known as Eric the Good. Eric was born in the town of Slangerup in North Zealand (Denmark) - the largest Danish Island. Erik was well liked by the people and the famines that had plagued Denmark during Olaf Hunger's reign ceased. For many it seemed a sign from God that Erik was the right king for Denmark. Erik was a good speaker, people went out of their way to hear him. After a ting assembly concluded, they went about the neighborhood greeting men, women and children at their homesteads. He had a reputation as a loud man who liked parties and who led a rather dissipated private life.
King Erik announced at the Viborg assembly that they had decided to go on pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
Erik and a large company traveled through Russia to Constantinople where he was a guest of the emperor. While there, he became ill, but took ship for Cyprus anyway. He died at Paphos, Cyprus in July 1103.



King of Normandy

Rollo was a quick-tempered and keen man. He was impulsive and a little wild. The Hero was nicknamed the Pedestrian because of his physique - he did not ride but attacked on foot or on a Drakkar. His rage and courage earned him the respect of his people and fame.


King Olaf the Stout

King of Norway

A Norwegian king who Ivar initially reaches out to in order to form an alliance. Hvitserk is sent to him to broker the deal, but Hvitserk instead ask Olaf to help him overthrow Ivar. The amused Olaf has Hvitserk imprisoned and tortured. When Hvitserk refuses to relent, the impressed Olaf agrees to attack Kattegat. After the battle, he declares Bjorn king of Kattegat. Harald is seriously injured in the battle and Olaf saves his life. However, Olaf also occupies his kingdom and keeps Harald as a prisoner.


Olaf Tryggvason

King of Norway

Olaf Trygvasson. A Norse Viking, a kinsman of King Harald Grey Skin. An adventurer, revered in Norway as a preacher of Christianity and a fighter for national independence. Olaf the first of the Norwegian kings began minting coins.




Ubbe was one of the sons of the legendary Viking Ragnar Lodbrok by an unknown concubine. But despite his mother's obscurity, the blood of the great king had done its work. Ubba Ragnarsson is a brave and ruthless warrior "without a king in his head" able only to fight. Nothing else distinguished him. Like his brothers, he is one of the leaders of the "Grand Army", personally killed Edmund, king of East Anglia. He and Ivar killed King of England Edmund. Once gathering a large fleet Halfdan decided to capture another part of England but he was killed, and the legendary banner of Ragnar Lothbrok was captured by the British.


Ketill Flatnose

King of the Isles

Ketill Björnsson, nicknamed Flatnose, He was a powerful Scandinavian hersir (old Norse hereditary noble title) in Norway and one of the rules of the first settlers of Iceland. He was a noble family, a brave and ferocious warrior, the leader of a Viking squad. He got the nickname because of the "flattened" hump on his nose.



King of Sweden

Jorund, Jorund, son of Yngvi King, became king in Uppsala. He ruled the country, and in summer he often went on campaigns. One summer he went with his army to Denmark. He fought in Yotland, and in autumn entered Limafjord and fought there. He stood with his army in the Straits of Oddasund. Then Hulaug, King of haleig, descended with a great army. He went into battle with Jorund, and when the natives saw it, they flocked in ships large and small from all sides. Jorund was beaten to pieces, and all warriors were slaughtered on his ship. He swam but was captured and brought ashore. Hulaug King ordered to erect the gallows. He led Jorund to it and told to hang him. So his life ended. 


Ivar The Boneless


Ivar the Boneless (Old Norse Ívarr hinn Beinlausi) He was the first and eldest son of Aslaug and Ragnar. Descendants reputed Ivar a Berserker - a warrior of the highest category, who was distinguished by decisiveness and did not pay attention to wounds, he was characterized by extraordinary instability and fiery temper. He attacked his enemies with a fierce, loud roar that sent them into a panic. This is a Viking who has not known defeat. The great agility on the battlefield is evidenced by the nickname of the famous leader of the Vikings. He was called "Boneless" because of an unknown disease. Ivar could not move on their own and did it either with the help of friends or crawling. Ivar gathered a great pagan army and took revenge on the English King Ella for the murder of his father Ragnar Lothbrok. Ivar could never find a wife and extend his family; he died as an evil and cruel old man. 


Harald Ragnarsson

Leader of the Great Heathen Army

Halfdan Ragnarsson was a Viking king and a commander of the Great Heathen Army which invaded the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England, starting in 865.



King of Sweden

Нaki was a famous sea Viking. He often went war camping with his brother Hagbard, but sometimes he fought alone. Hagbard was killed by another famous Viking Sigurd. Haki avenged his brother's death, but after a while, Sigvald, Sigurd's son, drove him out of his land. Gathering a large army, Haki went to war in Sweden. Haki ruled Sweden for three years. All this time his men went on campaigns and gained rich booty. When the Vikings of Haki went on another war hike, nephews Huglek, Jurund and Eric came into his possession. Hearing of the return of the Yinglings, many people joined them. The battle between the brothers and a small army of Haki took place on the same fields of the Furies. Haki fought very hard, killed Eric and cut down the brothers ' banner. Jurund with his army fled to the ships. However, Haki received in combat such severe injuries that had a premonition of his impending death. He ordered his war-boat to be loaded with dead men and weapons and put to sea. He then ordered the stern to be fixed, the sail to be hoisted, and fire of resinous wood to be built on the boat. The wind blew from the shore. Haki was near death, or already dead when people laid him on the fire. The burning boat sailed into the sea and long-lived the glory of Haki's death. 


Halfdan Black

King of Vestfold

King Halfdan is a wise and just ruler, with peace in his dominions and good fortune in all his affairs. His self-reliance, based on self-sufficiency, allowed him to rise to the top of power and become what he became - a legend. In time this king Halfdan had there been such fertile years as no other. People loved him so much that when he died and his body had been brought to Hringariki, where he was to be buried, nobles from Raumariki, Vestfold and Heidmerk came and asked to be allowed to bury the body in their fylke. They believed that it would provide them with productive years. His nickname he received for his chic black hair. 



King of Sweden

Fjölnir or Fjolner, son of Ingvi-Freyr, ruled the Swedes and the wealth of Uppsala. He was powerful, and under him prosperity and peace reigned. In Hledr the ruler was Frodi Peacemaker. Fjolner and Frodi visited each other and were friends. One time he went to see Frodi in Selong, where preparations were made for a great feast and guests were called from all countries. Frodi has a spacious chamber. There is a huge tub, the height of a lot of elbows and fastened with large logs. It was in the pantry, and there was an attic above it, and there was no floor in the attic, so it poured right down into the tub, and it was full of honey. It was a very strong drink. Fjolner and his men spent the night on the neighbouring attic. At night Fjolner went out on the gallery for body need. He was sleepy and dead drunk. Returning to where he slept, he walked along the gallery and entered another door, stumbled there, fell into a tub of honey and drowned.      



King of Sweden

Dyggve, son of Domar, ruled the country after him. Nothing is known about him except that he died a natural death. His mother was Drott, the daughter of king Danp, son of Rig, who was first called "King" in Danish. His kin from that time had always regarded the title of king as the highest. Dyggve was the first of his relatives named King. Before they were called "drottins" and their wives - "drottings". Each of them was also called Yngve or Ynguni, and all of them together - the Yngling. Drott was the sister of King Dan Proud, after whom Denmark is named.



Sami King

In the Heimskringla, Finland king Svase. The Finn is said to have married his daughter Snaefried to King Harald Finehair of Norway. They are traditionally nomads in the mountainous and forested interior of upper Scandinavia who herd reindeer.


Bjorn Ironside

King of Kattegat

Bjorn Ironside was the second son of Aslaug and Ragnar, who was a famous king and conqueror. The young man was distinguished by an inquisitive mind, special decisiveness and courage, wanting to follow in the footsteps of his father and become a strong warrior, a wonderful leader, opening new lands to the people, exploring distant countries. He became King of Sweden and founder of the Munsjö Dynasty. The nickname is associated with the captured metal armour that Bjorn wore in battle. 


Erik Bloodaxe

King of Norway

Eric Bloodaxe (Old Norse: Eiríkr blóðøx, Eric 1 was the second king of Norway, the eldest son of Harald Fairhair. Among his numerous descendants, it was in Eric that Harald saw his successor. The tall, handsome and courageous heir was to continue his father's work of uniting the Norwegian lands and strengthening the Kingdom.



King of Saaremaa

According to the legend, King Ingemar of Saaremaa is considered one of the most influential Vikings in Saaremaa. He often made military expeditions to Russia's border areas, and his strength was his great influence on his clans. He respected the law, but at the same time he was able to turn it into a force that was accepted by others. His favorite phrase is "War begins when words run out".
His birthplace is known to be the village of Salme, where he was born, but at the same time he was exiled to Sweden, from where he returned to the Saaremaa as a soldier.


Airisto Mettäla

King of Finland Airisto 

Airisto King Jouna Mettäla lived between 840 and 900. The battles in Mettäla took place more towards Russia. But sagas that he was about 1.90 tall for his time. The normal growth at the time was 1.75. Airisto was an untouchable place in his time, because many did not want to lose men to resist the king of the Finland.



King of Saaremaa 

Saaremaa's King Yalde was in power from 950 to 990. In the saga, it has been said that he earned his fame by winning the battle with the Swedes on Saaremaa. And from there was peace with the Northern Vikings. He also began producing and selling swords for the Viking. 


Leif Erikson

Explorer from Iceland

Leif Erikson was a Norwegian explorer from Iceland. Leif was a Norwegian Viking who is best known for being the undisputed first Viking (European) to enter North America with his team. Leif was the son of Erik Punas, King of Denmark, who founded the first Viking settlement in Greenland. Leif's life reputation is mostly the first Norwegian expedition to Newfoundland and its environs in modern Canada. Here he discovered, among other things, the grapes that inspired the name of the Vikings in the region of Vinland. Leif was the chosen hero of many Scandinavians who emigrated to North America. around that time and who has been given their day in the United States

(Leif Erikson Day, 9 October).


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